06 January 2009

A fort night

Tonight is mutual and Tubbs had to leave early to go on splits with the missionaries. So I am left to figure out what to do for fun. It is usually Tubbs' job to come up with ideas to entertain in the evening. I had no ideas (I am tired today, we had an outing to the Salt Lake library today). Luckily he is such a great dad and his suggestion tonight was that we build a fort for the girls to sleep in. This was sneaky, because in order to build the fort we had to clean up the girls' room, which they did willingly so they could get to fort building. Here is our masterpiece.

The girls are planning to sleep in it tonight. I am a little pessimistic about their ability to actually fall asleep right next to each other, we have tried and failed on other occasions. I will add to this tomorrow with an update about the sleep.

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