28 December 2008

Neti Pot

As you may know Sis S and I have colds. Luckily Sis S is not very stuffed up, but I am completely plugged. I can't breathe and sleeping is miserable. Saturday, I wanted to take some cold medicine, but I am still nursing Sis S, only about two times each day, but still I do not take medicine at all while I am nursing or pregnant, I rarely even take Tylenol and Motrin. I told Tubbs that I was just going to cut her off completely and take some medicine. Well, he had heard about something called a Neti Pot on the radio just that day. Lynette had told me about this a while ago and I thought that she was nuts. Nevertheless I went to Wal Greens and bought one. I made Tubbs go first because he is more brave than me. He thought it was great so I tried it. I went from completely stuffed to breathing freely in about 4 minutes!!!! I stayed clear all night and slept deeply for the first time in a week and Sis S does not have the trauma of being weaned before she is ready. I also could taste food again. Here is a link to a video that demonstrates it.


Happy Herrons said...

Then we can be sickies together. I can breathe but it involves a lot of coughing and aching. Do you feel like that?

Diana said...

I LOVE Neti Pots. I was turned on to them after watching Oprah. When I first used it I felt like I was drowning in the salty ocean. However, I did get the hang of it, and got my sister hooked on to the pot as well. Best invention ever!!!