07 January 2009

THe Outdoor hour

We started our outdoor hour today as a way for us to study nature. We planned on taking 15 minutes to be outside and just explore. I thought that it would be fun to play in the snow. We have been cooped up too much. We spent more than an hour outside and the only reason I came in was because I had to start making lunch. It helped that I was so hot that I was sweating. We played with the snow and made a snowman. We fed our extra carrots to the horses who live behind us. Miss M was very into the horses. She though it was pretty cool that their hair grows long to keep them warm. Here are a few pictures.


Happy Herrons said...

That is a HUGE snowman! Did it melt and fall over like ours did?

Barb said...

I loved the feeding of carrots to the horse and then the observation about his hair. Great job.

That is a mighty fine looking snowman too.

Thanks for joining in the OH Challenges and I hope to see another entry soon.

Barb-Harmony Art Mom