About Me

I am first and foremost a wife to my eternal companion. I am the mother of four daughters. We would take a boy or two but we are really good at making cute girls, so why would we want a change? Their names are, for the sake of this blog, Beauty (6), Beans (4), Sister Sue (3) an the baby (under a year).

I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. If you don't know what that means go here. I decided to continue to blog in order to share what I believe. Many people have found that I have very strong opinions.

My favorite thing to do is read. I love to read anything by Jane Austen, Charles Dickens, and Shakespeare. I love to study history too.

I also like to sew. I make modest clothes for my daughters, quilts, and craft projects, although I am not particularly good at any of those, I am what a good friend calls a "lazy crafter."
We live in Utah, 30 miles outside of Salt Lake City. We love it here because we have the opportunity to just about everything we love here. From camping to skiing to just walking the neighborhood.

We have decided to home school our girls because we are trying to raise responsible women who live for Christ and don't feel that they will be adequately prepare in public or private school. Plus, I just really like being around them and am not willing to spare the time that "school" would take.

As a family we like to do almost anything outdoors including, but not limited to hiking, biking, rock climbing camping and using a canoe.