31 March 2010

Tiddely Pom

Late last night, 8:45 pm, Daddy-O put the last of the swnigs on the set and this morning we were ready to go. We were momentarily disappointed when we saw the snow. We sang Tiddely Pom, got our snow clothes on, and headed outside. Even Our Angel had her snow suit on. It was a blast The girls were out for almost two and a half hours before they were cold enough to come in for hot chocolate. I will not complain about the snow because I thank God everytime he blesses us with life sustaining water, so thank you God for the snow this morning and for warm clothes so we could still have fun on the swing set.

Tiddely Pom

The more it snows
(Tiddely pom),
The more it goes
(Tiddely pom),
The more it goes
(Tiddely pom,
On snowing.
And nobody knows
(Tiddley pom),
How cold my toes
(Tiddely pom),
How cold my toes
(Tiddley pom),
Are growing.
A.A. Milne

30 March 2010

A week off and my Suburban tried to kill me

We are taking this week off of school and although it is only Tuesday, I know that this is not the lifestyle for me. I need more direction in my day. I feel like we are just floating around waiting for something, but I don't know what. Next week we are going to get back on it. We are half way through our first official term of Kindergarten (We call it Year 0.5). It is very casual and simple. We (Mallorie and I) are learning how to do school so in September when we start Year 1 we will be ready.

Yesterday we picked up our new swing set from Pitcher Sports. I almost died doing this. I pulled our trailer with our Suburban into Sandy to get it. When I got off the freeway at 106Th South I could not stop. I pushed as hard as I could on the brakes and still could not stop. I ended up pulling up onto the rocks in the middle of the off ramp and came to a stop about three cars in front of where I should have stopped. It was so scary and I am sure all of the those drivers thought I was a maniac. I figured I must have just been going too fast (it is a very heavy trailer), but it turns out that my gas pedal was stuck under the floor mat. I was still shaking almost 1 hour later when I met up with Matthew to trade vehicles. My Suburban tried to kill me and some complete strangers!!!! That may be a little dramatic, but you didn't see the faces of the drivers in front of me.

The set is all put together and if the wind ever stops we will cement it in place so we can play. It has a huge slide, monkey bars, and six swings. I think before the summer is over we will change out two of the swings for rings or a bar and add a fireman's pole.

Miss M and Miss Mae went to the doctor this morning for a checkup. The doc told me what I already knew, that they are perfect. She did say that it was perfect weight and height, but I know that was code for all around perfect. Miss Mae did get immunizations, I have mixed feelings on this (Sis. Sue had a really bad reaction to immunizations and became like a newborn at six months old). She is doing alright so far, but is taking a nap, which is very abnormal. I have been praying for and will ask Daddy-O to give her a blessing when he gets home.

By the way, we ended up with two extra really nice American flags. If anyone wants one just let me know.

18 March 2010

WARNING: Proud mother gushing

I am going to gush about my daughter. Miss M spent all day (8:00 am until 5:30 pm) on a Saturday auditioning for Annie. She is usually not a very patient person or easily entertained, but she really wanted this. Her hard work paid off and she was selected to be one of the orphans. Everyday she asks me if it is the day to start rehearsals. We are so proud of her and can't wait to see her perform in June.

Also, kudos to Matthew for spending his Saturday with her because Erin and I would not have been so patient.

14 March 2010

Princess Projects

As part of school we do handicrafts that we call Princess Projects. This is a time when I teach them anything that I think they will need when they (the princesses) become Queens of their own kingdoms (their houses). Some of the things on this list are sewing, cooking, cleaning, organizing, budgeting, and the list could go on forever.

This week I got serious about teaching the girls how to sew. I sew all the time (at least I would like to) and Miss Mae and Miss M always beg me to teach them. I ordered some books by Winky Cherry to use in school next fall, but pulled them out now. I am so glad that I did. These books are very simple they use rhymes to teach things and have some great ideas that I just never thought of. Now they are sewing all the time. They are working hard to make all of the animals so they can move on to learning how to embroider so then they can make the dolls.

So far they have made birds, unicorns, a bear, a moon, and are currently working on an alligator and cat.

05 March 2010


It has been so long since we have had anything really interesting to post, but I will update. Miss M turned six and had a fun party with family. She had a 3 tier cake decorated with white frosting and candy fish. Her favorite presents were a new doll and accessories and a veterinarian kit for her many animals. We have officially started lessons with school. These are practise lessons to help her be ready and in a routine when we start Year 1 of school late this summer.

We are reading from a bible story book, memorizing poems, nursery rhymes, and poems.
She is honing her reading skills with the McGuffey's Primer.
Math is with Rod and Staff workbooks (not ideal, but they were free so we are using them). Geography is a cute book called "The Seven Little Sisters Who Live on a Ball That Floats in the Air"
History: "Stories of Great Americans for Little Americans"
Nature Study: "Handbook of Nature Study" and "Among the Farm-Yard People"
She also does Copy work and literature almost everyday

We are having fun and learning that all important narration skill.

Miss Mae has been so responsible since she turned four. She has always told us that when she is four she will do things like put on her own seat belt all the time, make her bed by herself, and give herself a bath, but we had to stop calling her Beans. I really miss calling her Beans, but she does not like the nickname. She has been faithfully doing all of these and many more since her birthday.

Sister Sue has recently decided that she is ready for panties. We have only had about 3 or 4 accidents in the last week. She even made it through church and an all day shopping trip in Salt Lake without an accident. I love having only one in diapers and she loves to wear panties.

Angel (the baby, we are trying this name out for her) is getting so big. She is already 11 weeks. That means that it has been almost three months since she was born. I think she weighs almost 15 lbs. (for perspective Mallorie was 18 lbs. at 2). She sleeps all night, but still will not tolerate anyone but Mama holding her for more than a few minutes, but as long as Mama has her she is happy and smiling at everyone. We call her our cartoon baby because her facial expressions are so animated and exaggerated. When she is getting upset she tucks her upper lip behind her lower lip which sticks out farther than I thought possible until she can't hold the cry in any longer and it bursts out of her whole body.

I am excited about the warm weather because the girls are wanting to play outside a lot. I have been spending most of my free time getting things together for school next year. I love to plan and to have a plan so starting early for me is a must, plus I have to buy books and it is better for me to buy them over time rather than get them all at once.

The most exciting thing for Daddy-O is that he finally got the trailer he has wanted for a few years. Three years ago we bought a small super trailer to haul all of our camping stuff for us, but we have outgrown it so we now have a mega trailer that the super trailer will be attached to and leave us lots of room for bikes and whatever else we want to bring with us.

This was long, but it has been a long time. Thanks for reading.