27 September 2008

I never thought I would be so happy to change a poopy diaper!! (tear, sniff)

I believe we have reached a new milestone in one of the most highly anticipated goals in motherhood. For the last three days Abby has brought me the bag of baby wipes and begged me until I change her when she poops. This has filled my head with dreams of a potty trianed 14 or 15 month old!!!! I daydream this as I mechanically change the diapers. Stop laughing, I have heard of it happening. Lynette even sent me a link to a website that promises potty training by six months (now that is a lot of pressure). I was diaper free for two months before Lola was born. I said STOP LAUGHING!!!!!

1 comment:

Stacee Maree said...

My Mom was potty trained at 11 months. It can happen, but then again her brother was only 10 months younger than her so it made for a good excuse to start early.