24 March 2008

When is it ok for a man to cry?

We had dinner last night at my mother's house like we do every week. This time because of Easter she made a beautiful meal; ham, taters, string beans, and strawberry shortcake. We brought home the leftover ham and taters for Matthew's lunch and for snacks here. Our lovely foster dog got on the table and took it while we were getting the children out of the van. We came inside and saw that it was gone. Matthew's was mad (he loves food)!!! He went all through the house and couldn't find the dog or the ham. He was getting so upset, he wasn't sure what to do. I told him to check outside. Major had taken the ham and was hiding in the back yard having a feast. Needless to say our beautiful ham is now in the garbage. After it was all done Matthew sat down and said "There are three reasons for a man to cry; the death of someone you love, the birth of your children and when your dog eats your ham on Easter." Next time you see him give him your condolences.

1 comment:

Bugs said...

I think Seth would agree with these reasons. And add anytime in church, which he does all the time!