01 September 2010

One sentence that's it!

I started off my month long celebration of the family by using the Proclamation in our devotional. I was so excited to share this with my children because they have heard us talk about this document, but I don't think that we had ever taken the time to explain what it is, where it came from, and why it is important. We spent much more time this morning doing the "spiritual message" portion of our school morning and we only got through one line. I am not really surprised by this because it is about my girls' second favorite topic, marriage (first is princesses).

They are still young enough that they think that they can marry their daddy. I had to explain to them this morning that he was already married to me and that they would have to find another man to marry. We talked a little bit about the kind of man that they should look for to marry; they don't know any boys right now that they could marry, none of them have jobs. I was able to testify of the importance of not just marriage, but marrying right, in the temple and to the right person. It was a great experience and I am so excited to study this with my girls.


Jocelyn Christensen said...

EXCELLENT! I'm laughing about your marrying daddy comment. Last night at dinner, my son (he's 4) said that he wanted to marry his little sister (she's not yet 2)...so sweet!

I'm so glad you'll be joining us in the celebration! Looking forward to reading your link-ups! - Jocelyn

Montserrat said...

One sentence at a time is a great way to go! And as you found out today can be more than enough.

(Love the quote from Louisa May Alcott on your sidebar)