I was reading in the New Testament today and want to see what you think about this. I hear people quote part of this scripture all the time and I think they are using it wrong.
Luke 7:37 "Judge not, and ye shall not be judged: condemn not and ye shall not be condemned: forgive and ye shall be forgiven:"
I hear people all the time say that we should not judge, but I think that we should. If we didn't judge then why would we not invite child molesters to our homes. I think that it really is a bad thing if we are not judged by God. I think we want to be judged because that is the only way we can be declared clean and enter into his rest. We just don't want this to happen until we are washed clean through the blood of Christ.
If you use the cross reference in the footnotes you look up Moroni 7:18 "And now my brethren, seeing that ye know the light by which may judge, which light is the light of Christ, see that ye do not judge wrongfully; for with that same judgment which ye judge ye shall also be judged."
This makes more sense to me because we have to make judgements all the time. God does excommunicate people from the church for sin, but requires repentance and a long probation before it is behind them. Just like everything else from God we should also apply this to our lives. To me this means if we judge the way God judges (applying justice and mercy) then we are right, but if we make judgements any other way he will no longer judge us mercifully as he has promised.
Tell me your thoughts.
I agree with you. I think people use the word judge incorrectly. It's more like we shouldn't 'jump to conclusions,' which we shouldn't. But judge, yes we should.
Seth's opinion is that we don't judge other people but we can make decisions regarding our behavior as to what we know about a person/situation.
I agree 100% I think we have to judge. That's how we make lifes choices, but we need to choose by what we know and not jump to conclusions about people.
I have read specifically in Ensign articles where it states, "Judge Righteously". So, obviously we are supposed to judge. I think that maybe the word judge has a dual meaning. Hopefully most people understand that.
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