11 July 2008

two articles

Here are links to two articles I recently read. The first is written by Frederic Bastiat and is called What Is Seen and What Is Not Seen (click on the nubmer 1 in the table of contents). Bastiat is a mid-nineteenth century economist. I found it very relevant to what is happening in our country today.

The second is written by John Taylor Gatto. He is a teacher in the New York public schools and has won their Teacher Of The Year award several times. This speach was given on the occassion of him being named teacher of the year in 1990. I heard him give this speach in Salt Lake City about two years ago and decided to read it again. It is called The Seven Lesson School Teacher.

I enjoyed both of them and thought others might as well.

1 comment:

Happy Herrons said...

I love having a well-read friend! Thanks for the insights!