18 March 2010

WARNING: Proud mother gushing

I am going to gush about my daughter. Miss M spent all day (8:00 am until 5:30 pm) on a Saturday auditioning for Annie. She is usually not a very patient person or easily entertained, but she really wanted this. Her hard work paid off and she was selected to be one of the orphans. Everyday she asks me if it is the day to start rehearsals. We are so proud of her and can't wait to see her perform in June.

Also, kudos to Matthew for spending his Saturday with her because Erin and I would not have been so patient.


Happy Herrons said...

Yah kiddo! Let's hope for a neighborhood wrap up and we can go to rehearsals together!

Emma said...

Oh I am so excited for her. You didnt tell me. Oh well I will forgive you this one time. LOL. I can wait to see her on stage!!!!!!!!!!!!