16 May 2008

Patio Furniture

This week I was going to buy a patio table and four chairs but the store was sold out of the one I wanted. My husband, who is so much more genius than me, suggested I look at KSL classifieds for a used one. I found something even better. This is what I originally wanted, but all of the ones I like are over $500.00 new. I found this and it was even less than the original table and four chairs, which I was just settling for. Now I just need the other half of my picnic table and wait for the grass to grow in a little better and we will be set.

(sorry about the quality of the picture. The leaves of my trees are just begining to emerge and it is not full yet and made shadows and sun, click on it and it is better)


Happy Herrons said...

That is awesome! All that fit in your car?!?! You are amazing - and s good shopper!

saramomwifefriend said...

Cute set. It looks comfy.