I was having a rough morning this morning and said a prayer for some comfort, about 5minutes after I finished a woman walked into my yard. When I went out to meet her I found out she was handing out pamphlets for a Christian church different than mine. My first reaction when this happens is usually to say no thank you, but I had the feeling that this might be the answer to my prayer. We talked for a few minutes about Christ and the wonderful hope that faith in him brings. We ended up sharing a hug before she left and I felt so much better. After going back inside I was so happy that God answer prayers and I learned that he will use anyone who will listen to accomplish this.
This experience stuck with me all day and when I had time in the afternoon to really study the scriptures and ponder what had happened I realized that part of why I was comforted was what this woman was actually doing. The only hope I see for our country to become the great nation it once was is for the people to turn to God and forsake sin and this woman was actively trying to make that happen. What an inspiration and a wake up call this was for me! I will no longer be hesitant about sharing my testimony and I hope that believers in Christ everywhere will begin to share the gospel whenever they have a chance.